Primum Non Nocere Foundation - 2017 in Review
Good day everyone , As we quickly approach the end of 2017 I sat at my computer and started going through everything to put together a...
The Primum Non Nocere Foundation, INC (the Foundation) has been formed for the purpose of assisting pre-hospital care providers during times of need and despair, especially during times of injury or ill-health.
Pre Hospital Care providers / Emergency Medical Service workers have long been considered by many as the least supported and recognized of the countries civil servants. It doesn't matter if your a volunteer, work for a private company, a private hospital or a city approved agency when there is a medical emergency we are expected to be there without question or hesitation. What happens when the pre hospital care provider themselves become the victim or patient? Many are left to fend for themselves trying to hold their family together, keep the roof above their heads and food on the table with little support from organizations and charities. The mission of Primum Non Nocere Foundation, Inc. is to try an help those pre hospital care providers get through their crisis and back on their feet.